Be a good girl for your parents
"Women’s Gambit" shows how children can increase their chances of being adopted
It is the hit series on Netflix and presents incidentally insights into the life of an adopted child or children, who would like to be adopted. "The Queen’s Gambit" describes the life of Elizabeth ”Beth“ Harmon (the future chess ace), who grew up as an orphan in an orphanage in Kentucky in the 1950s.
Of course, like usually all children in an orphanage, she wants to be adopted. But you have to bring some qualifications, otherwise it won’t work with the adoption.
The first: empty the plate, even if there is fish on it. Another girl tells her at dinner:
"We eat it every Friday, you gotta eat every bite, or they’ll tell Mrs Deardoff [= the warden] about you, and you won’t get adopted."
(The Queen's Gambit, Season 1, episode 1, directed by: Scott Frank, created by: Scott Frank, Allan Scott, 2020, 00:10:58-00:11:04)
Well, you can still work on your eating behavior, but less on your age or skin color:
Jolene, Beth’s best friend: "That’s not fair, she got here after you. Most of us are lifers. Been here a long time."
Mrs Deardorff, "Don’t forget your headband."
Jolene: "Nobody’s gonna come for us now. We’re too old.“
Mrs Deardorff: "And don’t dawdle."
Jolene: "Or too Black."
Girl: "Maybe someone will come through."
Mrs Deardorff: "Someday."
(The Queen's Gambit, Season 1, episode 1, directed by: Scott Frank, created by: Scott Frank, Allan Scott, 2020, 00:17:33 - 00:17:54)
And if you cannot change your age, then you can at least say the untruth in this respect, as you can see from the following dialogue:
Mrs Deardorff: "I’m told, Elizabeth, that you turned 13 just last month."
Elizabeth ”Beth“ Harmon: "Actually, I’m fift- Yes, that’s right, I’m 13."
Mrs Alma Wheatley, future adoptive mother: "Such a wonderful age."
(The Queen's Gambit, Season 1, episode 2, directed by: Scott Frank, created by: Scott Frank, Allan Scott, 2020, 00:04:27-00:04:40)
Puhh, that just went well again, but that doesn’t seem to be enough for the home manager. Right after that, she adds one more and praises little Elizabeth to the interested:
Mrs Deardorff, head of the orphanage: "Elizabeth has performed well in all of her schoolwork. She is at the top of her class in reading and arithmetic."
Mrs. Alma Wheatley, adoptive mother: "That’s very impressive."
Mrs. Deardorff: "Beth is also a very strong student in science and geography, and has been kindly assisting Miss Lonsdale with chapel, for several years. She is the model Methuen girl."
(The Queen's Gambit, Season 1, episode 2, directed by: Scott Frank, created by: Scott Frank, Allan Scott, 2020, 00:04:41-00:05:00)
Not at all conspicuous, but the main thing is that the Wheatley couple is impressed. Deadorff recommends the little model student at the end to be sure of winning: "You should go pack" (The Queen's Gambit, Season 1, episode 2, directed by: Scott Frank, created by: Scott Frank, Allan Scott, 2020, 00:05:41-00:05:42)
And finally, there are tips to avoid getting thrown out again.
Jolene: "Anyway, you don’t need no book, just say, "Yea, sir," and "Yes, ma'am," and you’ll do all right. Tell them you’re grateful to be in a Christian home like theirs. Maybe they’ll put a TV in your room."
(The Queen's Gambit, Season 1, episode 2, directed by: Scott Frank, created by: Scott Frank, Allan Scott, 2020, 00:06:20-00:06:32)
In the words of the head of the home this means:
"Be a good girl, Elizabeth."
(The Queen's Gambit, Season 1, episode 2, directed by: Scott Frank, created by: Scott Frank, Allan Scott, 2020, 00:07:14-00:07:16)
Well, you might find that stupid from the show or from life, but it is like it is: The child tries to get the future parents to adopt through right behavior. And when it is adopted, it tries to prevent being brought back by good behavior.
That takes a lot of energy from the child! Exhausting!
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