About me

My adoption

Ralf Lengen, 5 years

My life

Ralf Lengen


I was five yours old, when my mother filed for divorce from my father. She was alone, had to work and had three children. Too much for her. She gave one child in foster care - me.

With my new parents I felt immediately comfortable. I had a good time with them. But I rather would have been as my friends who "came out of their parents" as i put it. Besides, I looked like my Persian father. But I wanted to be 100 percent German! I avoided talking about the issue of adoption. I didn't even talk to myself about it.

Not earlier than being 46 years old I felt capable to deal with my past. I am again in contact with my first mother and my siblings. And with the family of my late first father in Isfahan, finally after 43 years! I love Iran: the country, the culture, the people. I even talk Farsi, not as good as when I was five years old, but I am working on it!

My life

Ralf Lengen


"What about you? What are you doing?", I was asked at highschool-reunion. "I am father", I said. :-) Father of four children. I am married, since 1995.

I give seminars and write book to help other people to write, speak, manage and (hopefully!) live better lifes. My concept: master-tricks, that is the wisdom of Solomon, Abraham Lincoln, Marie Curie and other VIPs from Bible, literature and history, applied to our times.

Reading! Reading! Reading! Being in a library or bookshop makes me happy. And whenever the Pittsburgh Stellers win. And when my Christmas goose turned out well. And when I got a new learning from the story of Joseph (son of Jacob). What a man! Wise, capable of suffering and forgiving.